Wednesday, October 5


Just a quick blog to wish Amanda a happy birthday.

Hope you have a wonderful day!

Deb, James, Mandy, Nick and Dylan

Brian re-living his youth

Brian reliving his youth, originally uploaded by beautiful brat.

You notice his wife is just looking at him like he's nuts!

Onsted Middle School XC

Onsted Middle School XC, originally uploaded by beautiful brat.

Mandy and Kelsey (holding Dylan) rooting on their friends at a home XC meet. Sitting next to Mandy is Allison and next to Kelsey is Brea.

Clinton B-ball '05

Clinton B-ball '05, originally uploaded by beautiful brat.

Girl's 8th grade basketball team is undefeated (6-0). GO LADY CATS!

Daddy and Dylan coming off the 17th green

Daddy and Dylan just finished putting.

Dylan on the 18th green

Dylan on the 18th green, originally uploaded by beautiful brat.

Dylan running across the 18th green at Hill's Heart of the Lakes golf course in Brooklyn, Michigan.

Dylan's 1st golf outing, 2005

Dylan out on his first golf outing!

He had fun, and he was the perfect child on the course but boy did he fall asleep as soon as he was back in his car seat!! He slept for 3 hours once we got back home.

Mandy and Mom 2005

Mandy and Mom 2005, originally uploaded by beautiful brat.

Mandy is getting ready to head out the door to her first dance this year. The extra make-up was for the theme of the dance, she had a good time and couldn't believe how fast the 2 hours went!