Thursday, October 26

Thank you!!

Thank you!!, originally uploaded by beautiful brat.

She was up until 11pm on a school night reading this book from Mike! Needless to say she slept through her alarm.


Mandy, originally uploaded by beautiful brat.

Friday, October 20

Eating cupcake

Eating cupcake, originally uploaded by beautiful brat.

Going for just the frosting!

This thing won't work!

This thing won't work!, originally uploaded by beautiful brat.

Learning the potty chair

Learning the potty chair, originally uploaded by beautiful brat.

Now what, mom?

Inside joke

Inside joke, originally uploaded by beautiful brat.

Cleaning supplies for Mandy from Kelsey, AJ and Al. I guess when she was in Florida they all got a good laugh because Mandy didn't know how to run a vaccum cleaner...she also got another bag full of candy!

Teddy bear from my boyfriend

New bra's and panties for my Birthday

Big brother in California wanted to see his sister's birthday gifts, so here's a few pic's. This is only a couple of the bra's, one on, one panty on the head along with another bra and wearing a thong over the jeans.
Smile pretty!!

Wednesday, October 4


This has got to be the first night in almost two years that I could have torn my hair out!!

It was non-stop BUSY from the minute we hit the floor at 7pm. I had patient's vomiting blood, "can't breath", "have to go to the bathroom, but I can't walk", beeping IV pumps, I've been here for hours with no food or water, grrrr!

I finally seen my first patient at 8:30pm!! at least to actually do an assessment and pass their medications.

I talked to the family of one patient who was unhappy with 1st shift nurse, I told the the family I would make sure that nurse would not have her in her assignment again...then I told the patient I would be back shortly! 3 blasted hours later I got back to her...GRRRRRR.

The patient that had to go to the bathroom...270 pounds and deciding it would be best to stand and use the urinal and then after that walk to the bathroom! Needless to say he was incontinent of urine and stool all night and we probably changed his bed and him 5 times including one last time at 7:30am (isn't that the time I should be clocking out?) My back is killing me...

Then the guy with no food or water...the first shift nurse said "I'll make sure I have the orders done before I leave." So I run and get the gentleman water and said I'll go check your chart for your diet order (this is 10pm) NO ORDERS!!! Oh my I call the doctor and quickly put the orders through and got the poor man a tuna fish sandwich. What the hell happened to "I'll get the orders..."

The "I can't breath" patient kept everyone busy all night...I feel it boiled down to loneliness, a way to have attention. Because when she STOPPED TALKING her o2 sats were fine! But when she talked I think she forgot to breath in through her nose! OH, and to top it all off at 6:25am she decides she is having chest pain and wants a nitro NOW. So I get the nitro, check the blood pressure and o2 sats and order a STAT EKG. Needless to say the lady is TALKING through the whole 15 minutes of chest pain. It took all 3 nitro's and a non-rebreather mask at 10 liters of 02 to get her o2 sats up into the ninety's but the chest pain I'm not so sure was really real.

Now the lady vomiting blood...let me tell you. I sent a sample to lab so that's why I knew it was blood, got orders from the doctor and cleaned her up numerous times. But things never really looked extremely bad at the beginning. But a few hours later things got cena called to let me know she was only at 78% o2 sats and her blood pressure was 89/56 (80 over 60, patient getting sickly) and I had just commented that she didn't look that great (but amount of blood puked wasn't extreme) so I called RT to help with her o2 sats (more 02, nurses can only go to 6L) and she needed a non-rebreather mask at 100% o2! and luckily my supervisor went into the room before I got there and realized she had a GI bleed going on (she's in for pneumonia).
I ran and got STAT orders from the doctor (who lives in ANN ARBOR) for a NG tube and foley, etc. Marcia took out 2800cc from putting a tube down her nose!! Her abdomen went from being a rock to mush in a short time but we still transfered her to CCU because of her blood pressure (shock) she was going to get 3 units of blood and possible surgery the doctor arrived just as we were getting ready to move her.

It's only 4am people!! I have 3 1/2 hours to go and have not done all my assessments on the computer and have not done any chart checks! This was getting uglier by the minute.

Oh I think that was only 5 patient's I talked sixth patient GOD BLESS HER, was no trouble, 92 years old and cute as a button!

As I'm leaving Lisa and Tony asked if I was back tonight (they said with a smile knowing about my night) NO and if I was...cough, cough I feel a cold coming on!

I finally crawled in the door at 8:30 this morning.