Close but Ethan Wins Again
Ethan wins against Ryan 6 votes to 4. This was a tough one to vote on, I also liked both names.
Well, I've been busy this morning. I put a coat of primer on the walls in the baby's room and soon I'll add the color. James called hoping I could find a number for him to a computer place that a distant relative owns, well I did find it, but now I can't get through to his place of work. This will be just GREAT when I go into labor, all I'll get is all agents are busy please stay on the line, yeah right!!! Cell phones are in our immediate future!
It's another hot, humid day and even with a fan and the window open the baby's room is hot so I'll be slow going getting it done, but hopefully today I do.
Well let's see what name should I put with Ethan, hmmmm let's try Alexander (the great).
Nick gave me a great name idea, and I'll be using it soon, along with all the other ideas, give me time.
Have fun voting!!
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