Tuesday, June 8

Ethan Wins Again!!

Well, it seems to me the name Ethan is well liked. Except Mandy and James (DAD) don't seem to like it. But that doesn't surprise me James and I haven't agreed on a name yet!!

I feel sorry for every pregnant women out there today. Here in Michigan we are looking at 90 degrees and humid. Luckily I'm at my sister's and she has her air hooked up. I'm watching her granddaughter today and I have Mandy to help me because she's a busy little girl now! I took it easy yesterday, except I did clean two closets and the bath tub. Do you know how hard it is to clean a tub with this belly in the way? Close to impossible but I did it.

Well enough of my jabbering, time to vote either for Ethan or Ryan.

Get out and VOTE today!!


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