Monday, June 21


I used Kara's name choice Sunday against Ian, and quess what, Kara didn't vote and Ian won 5 votes to 4!! If you had only voted for your name choice we would have 3 names to pick from today, darn!!

Where did the week-end go? We had so many ball games, even though Sunday's one game was it, the girls didn't get a mercy so we went the full 6 or 7 innings. It was the last inning, with Mandy pitching and she and her team mates kept Flat Rock from scoring (it was 9-2) so along come the Irish Hills Magic team for their last up to bat. They managed to bring the game to a 9-8 score with 2 outs and bases loaded...darn if we could have only gotten one more huge hit! Oh well, they played their best game Sunday and it was great to see them get it together again.

Heard from my son (Nick) who is in Kenya. Everything is going great and he said not to worry, he sends his love, the people are super nice and he'll see us next Sunday.

Also, Brian is threatening not to vote anymore because he is the only guy voting, so guys lets start voting!! Brian remember Nick is in Kenya and can't vote right now, but before that he was always voting and Mike I don't know what his excuse is. But come on ladies get your guys to vote even if you have to type for them!! And we had a new voter with Patrick, so come on Brian don't bail out with only 5 weeks to go.

For today's vote it will be Ian and Bryce. Bryce is a name that Elisa submitted as was Ethan and we all know that Ethan is in the FINALS. So lets see how her second choice holds up.

Happy voting!


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