Well folks, we have a first. Ian and Jack each got 6 votes a piece. If Thi had actually voted, instead of just commenting we would have had a winner.
Yesterday found Mandy and I just goofing around the house, not much to do. She took me driving again, the girl just doesn't get it when it comes to backing into a parking space!! We did some more painting in her room (table and picture frame) and I also touched up where James had hit the walls moving furniture in.
My sister-in-law was suppose to come over, but that didn't happen so Mandy and I left to get a few things at the grocery store and when we got back there was a message for her about ball practice. So we headed to the park at 6pm so she could practice pitching with Ron and at 7pm I left to go home to eat!! She ended up staying at Allison's last night and I'll pick her up later this afternoon. So needless to say my evening was BORING, thank goodness for Bon and the phone!
Okay lets get to the voting! Ian, Jack or Nathan. Good luck with your decisions and get as many people as you can to vote so we don't end up with another tie!!
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