Friday, June 25


Sorry to disappoint Tracy and Elisa but Jack lives for another day!! :)

I went to some more garage sales with Debbie (sister-in-law) and Bon was able to go to a few with us before she headed to work. I found a few things but Debbie had alot of luck, thank goodness I was driving the truck!
Mandy leaves today for Holland, for a week-end of ballgames. James and I will head up tomorrow morning early, her first game on Saturday is at 11 and it's a 3 hour drive to Holland. She has two games today at 4 and 5:30, hopefully these girls have their game faces on so we don't see defeat like last week-end. I have to have her at her coach's house by 10am and they will be on their way. It's been a lonelier week this week, Mandy spent the night with a friend, then at her dad's, now Holland, plus James working late,grrrr!

Okay, so on to the voting, we had another tie. This time it was between Noah and Jack 9 votes each (I doubled checked). So we have to put both of these names back up plus one more. Let's see, hmmmm...

Noah or Jack or Logan!! Happy voting and have a great day.


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