Thursday, July 22


Yes, Baby Mommers will make his appearance within the next 5 days. My appointment went great yesterday with the news that I have dilated to 2cm and if I don't have the baby on my own, then Monday the Doctor will induce my labor. I have a past history of fast delivery's ( 1 hour) and he doesn't want to take any chances with me delivering on the side of the road!!  The only bad thing was the weight gain! but hopefully it was mostly water retention especially since my ankles were non-existent yesterday! but wow it's really getting ugly.

I packed my overnight bag yesterday since hearing the good news. I've been stalling on that part, but all I have to throw in are the last minute items. It took me awhile to decide which outfit to pack to bring the little guy home in but I finally threw in two outfits and I'll make the decision based on how big he is. Mandy also kept insisting that she'll drive me to the hospital (reminder she's only 12) but I told her NO WAY I'll drive myself, (I'd walk also) because stress and contractions don't mix well! :)

Oh my State Boards, hmmm, I don't have a clue. The questions were hard, I had psych. questions, baby questions, peds. questions and priority questions. Only one med question, it was not what they said it would be about and when the computer shut off after 75 questions so did my heart. I just wanted to shake that computer until it came back on because I wanted more padding. Oh well I can only hope for the best... two other girls walked out within minutes of me and both felt the same way, sick to their stomachs and very unsure of themselves. Dang test anyways!!

It seems I have upset my husband once again. But I don't think he realizes how tough the last 4 weeks have been. The water retention, the sweating, the fact I can't even bend over to tie my shoes without becoming short of breath is getting on my nerves. Yes, I'm very tired of being pregnant and I want the baby out!! You seem so distant lately and I feel very alone and if I take my frustrations out on you, I'm sorry but....I do love you!

I forgot to mention at the top that Ethan won over Jack 10 votes to 4. For today's vote it will be Ethan against Logan.
 Happy voting and now I'm going to try to walk this baby out of me by going to a few local garage sales! But I won't be long because Michigan weather once again has turned HUMID!!


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