We are all home and healthy!! Welcome Dylan Lewis-Guillaume Mommers! He weighed in at 7lbs 1oz. and was 19 inches long. Spartan green you Smith boys!
He is beautiful!! and he kept his dad up for most of the night, wide awake and looking around, but it gave James time to bond with his son!!
We got to the hospital Monday morning at 7:15 and I was admitted and induced by 9:30. Nick and Mandy were there, they would step out of the room during certain exams!! But it was fun having them there to ease my mind. They left for a couple of hours to go shopping, Nick had some money burning a hole in his wallet, while they were gone James and I got up to walk for a short time. The baby's heart rate was dropping a bit during contractions (variable's) but nothing serious (even though I was still nervous) Hey Terri, remember Lisa? I had her for my nurse for part of the morning, she remembered me from clinicals!
Dr. Vendola came in at 12:45 (about) and broke my water, I has having contractions but nothing intense every 2 to 5 minutes. Well, that was before the flood!! Did those contractions ever get intense right after that, and I was only dialated to 3!!! But since this wasn't new to me I knew he was going to make his appearance soon. During one contraction which was so intense I asked James to get the nurse, but... I was still only at 5! But it probably wasn't more than 30 minutes later that he was born!! I had to hold on for 3 contractions (one right after the other) before I could push, thank goodness the doctor has his office at Foote!! Because there was not going to be any more holding on for the next one!! 3 pushes and he made his grand entrance!!
James cut the cord, but they didn't warn him about the blood so he managed to get it on his shirt and the hospital window!! Leave it to him :) The nurses found him a "paper" scrub for him to wear for the rest of the day. James did a great job, trying to keep me calm during the intense moments and he has the battle scars to show for it. I thought I was grabbing just his shirt but, hmmmm, I also got his skin. (wasn't intentionally, I swear!)
Now of course, I'm very surprised he only weighed 7 lbs 1 oz. because that means I have some serious weight to lose!! DANG! (heehee) but I'll get it off, I got the okay for the fitness center starting next week, but they gave me "things" to watch for, so if it's too soon, I'll know to wait another week.
I want to thank everyone who voted and who followed the blog for the last couple of months, it's been alot of fun! All the name suggestions and comments and jokes have been a riot and kept me entertained in between studying (no I still haven't checked NCLEX results). I love the name choice, but I also would have been just as happy with Ethan but Dylan is a little different and that's why I like that one the most. His uncle Brian plans on giving him the nickname "King Louie" but we'll see about that!
I'll post pictures hopefully today, I'm sure Nick is working right now, but some time tonight!
And I'll post updates every so often.
Love to all and thank you for your prayers and thoughts!
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