Monday, July 5


Dylan wins again

Well we had a fun 4th of July at Bon and Brian's. Then off to Brooklyn to watch the fireworks.

Today we are organizing the guest room, for everyone that will be visiting in August. I'm also working on the last of the baby room, trying to get organized, putting clothes away etc. Worked up a sweat already!!

Brian really should start to leave his own comments here soon, he has alot of battle scars he needs to talk about, and Brian did you see where Tracy wants some landscaping done, but with a senior discount!!

James and Mandy are going for a motorcyle ride soon, to meet a friend of his on his bike, then we'll head over to Bon's to get my spare mattress back for the guest room.

Well my post seems kinda hum-drum today so I'm going to sign off now, James needs the phone anyways.

Today's vote is between Dylan and Joseph. Hope everyone has a great Monday.

P.S. we are running out of name suggestions, in case anyone has some neat ones to pass along feel free to do so. Also where are all my voters? My comments and votes are dwindling!!


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