Friday, July 2


Dylan wins again over Austin!!

Yes, I have been promoted to supervisor, but they forgot to pay me!!
Mandy helped her Aunt Bonnie yesterday with a weeding job, one that I would usually do in the summer between nursing classes. She said it was hard work, but the pay was great. Well...I happen to be there supervising (actually, just waiting to drive Mandy home) but they neglected to pay me for my expert advise as to what was a weed and what was a flower. Hmmm, I'm thinking I won't be going back to that job!! :)

I also spent the afternoon getting groceries and paying the bills, don't you just love the first of the month? But I did manage to get in several hours of studying before taking Mandy to the work-site. OH, and you're not going to believe who I saw, JAMES, yes the "dad" who never gets home at a decent time somehow ended up on the same street that we were on, which happens to be the same street his mom lives on which is not in the same town we live in. Apparently he needed a hug from his nephew BEFORE his wife, do you feel the love, people!! (I NEVER did get a hug)

Well today is my ultrasound, which will determine whether or not I have to have a C-section. I'll let you all know tomorrow when I post. But for now on to the voting.

Today's vote is between Dylan and Zachary. Happy voting and have a great day!!

P.S. To Brian, Dylan is a great name, stop whining!!!


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