Carter wins over Isiah.
It's been a busy week-end. Yesterday we had the baby shower after church, and we received some great gifts, I was really touched by the community's kindness. We got pj's, diapers, wipes, diaper bag, blankets, baby shampoo, spoons, sheets, washcloths and on and on....and yes the baby finally received a Spartan outfit!! (Michigan State University)
The other couple who they celebrated for also received gifts, but they don't know what they are having yet. Plus they are brave enough to deliver at home!! She's due in Sept.
On Saturday, James entertained his nephew, JW, while Debbie and I went to some garage sales in Morenci. Over 100 homes were having sales, I don't have a clue how many we hit, but boy were my feet and back sore!! Plus I didn't have much luck, I always go with certain things in mind to buy that way I don't over buy.
Debbie had luck with finding dresses for church and work, so it was fun! We got there about 9am and finally headed home at 3:30 and I'm sure we missed alot of them. James was bummed when I told him they had Ping golf set for 150.00 still in the box, and then Brian was like nooooo, when I seen a brand new smoker for only 40.00!! They will just have to come next year is how I see it!
Mandy comes home tonight!! She won't get into Metro until 10pm so I won't see her until tomorrow but I can't wait. She's found some time to call me to let me know what she's been doing and to place her vote. It sounds like she had a good time and now that she'll be back it will be countdown time to school since that starts on Aug. 23rd already!! Where does the summer go?
Well onto the voting, we are going to enter the quarter-finals for the next two days, I won't have time to post on Wednesday due to my test. (i'll leave the house at 7:30am). Then Thrusday and Friday will be the semi-finals and the finals will be either Monday or Tuesday of next week. I'm using some of the name suggestions but not all of them because it would be way to many!
Everyone nudge their partners and friends to vote since we are in the finals!!
Today's vote is between Ethan and Carter. And remember the middle names are for our dad's ( Lewis-Guillaume). Have a great day!!
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