Thursday, July 15


Carter wins over Jackson 10 votes to 0!

Bon made it to my doctor's appointment yesterday and yes I gained 2 pounds! ( course Bon is waiting for me in the room but comes running out to see the scale, that was pretty funny because the nurse quickly put it at zero before Bon got there! But she remembered what it was from last week so she added 2 in her head (if you can believe that)and all I'm going to say is it's getting ugly!
But at this point the nurse said it could be just water retention and not to worry about it. Well let me tell you about water retention, ladies plan your pregnancy so you don't have a summer baby. I never retained water with my other kids, so this is new for me and let me tell ya, I DON'T like it, I look at my thighs and I have some pretty ugly thoughts running through my mind, and it's funny how you always end up blaming the husband, but it is his fault, I swear it is!!

I also got my "walking papers" from the doctor, which is information the nurses will need in Labor and Delivery, so I'm that much closer to the day! The appointment was scheduled for 4pm and needless to say I was out of there finally by 5! and next week is no better because I have a 4:45pm time slot. Dr. Vendola is very busy right now, with 50 babies due to be delivered in July! Must of been cold in the fall of 2003!!

As for the pictures not posting, I don't know what to tell you. They're showing up on my posts, so I don't get it and I'm still waiting to hear from my son's (at least one of them please!!) as to why. But I'll try again later today to post another one, I hate to continue to waste space if they are not going to work.

We'll vote for a couple more days and then move on to the finals. I'm not use to not having a name picked out by now, so I'm getting nervous. For today's vote it is between Carter and Chase. And remember to give me your ideas as to what names should come back to the finals, we have for sure Ethan and Dylan. Have a great day everyone!!


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