Monday, August 23


scan0009, originally uploaded by beautiful brat.

Introducing my daughter Mandy, she is just 12 (soon to be 13). She is in 7th grade (started school today!) and loves sports, especially basketball, cross country and softball.

The extra pictures of her are to show how much she has changed, especially hair color!! She started out as a brunette (2 months and 7 months)then she became a blondie (22 months).
Now she is fighting the fact that she is going to have dark hair and she has her Aunt Bonnie add blond highlights to her hair. Her school picture is from 6th grade. We women are never satisfied, are we!!

Mandy is fantastic with her new baby brother and a hugh help to me. I'll miss her now that school has started, she won't get home until close to 5pm each night due to B-Ball practice!

Mike, Nick and Mandy are 3 wonderful kids, I have been blessed! And now my fourth blessing is laying here beside me as I post. Children are truly a gift from God.


At 5:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love ya mom

At 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and I love you!!!

At 2:54 AM, Blogger Manda said...

yeah, pictures of mandy! i LOVE mandy's hair!... LOVE it! i had tons of fun with mandy while mike and i were there... i'm so glad we got some time to hangout together. i can't wait 'till she can come here to california to visit us!

At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mandy is stunning!!!

Love you,
Aunt Bonnie

At 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how come i have to have a password to post on this


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