Thursday, August 19


scan0008, originally uploaded by beautiful brat.

Ths is my second son (out of three now). An earlier post introduced Mike. Nick is 18 and just graduated from Onsted High School.
He was 5 weeks old in this baby picture and of course the other is his senior picture that Mike's girlfriend, Amanda, took of him in an alley in Ann Arbor.
He works for his Uncle Brian in the landscaping business, but has a job interview with Visteon (Ford) this week-end. (lucky break!!)
And once again check out the smiles!! (a baby loved, smiles)

(tomorrow, my one and only daughter)


At 4:08 AM, Blogger Manda said...

hey... what happened to pictures of Mandy???

At 11:40 AM, Blogger Deborah said...

Sorry I was slow at posting for Mandy, we entertained her Saturday and I just forgot to get on the computer!!


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