Monday, October 25


scan0006, originally uploaded by beautiful brat.

Here's a recent picture of Dylan. This was taken last week by his Aunt Bonnie at Mandy's birthday party. She tends to get her film developed faster than I do!
I'm not really sure what he weighs but I'm guessing around 11 or 12 pounds. He is 3 months old tomorrow, he won't have a doctor's appointment until his 4th month check-up.
He loves to smile at his big brother, Nick, (his arm) and loves it when Nick sings to him. He already shows a preference for music, he fusses when rap music is on!! He loves to "talk" to us and he giggles at our antics. He is reaching and grabbing for toys, his favorite is the mobile on his crib. He is also discovering his thumb, not a good thing, it took me 5 to 7 years to break Nick of his thumb!!
I have been blessed once again with a wonderful child, he is so content, just like his 2 brothers and his sister.


At 8:20 PM, Blogger Manda said...

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At 8:21 PM, Blogger Manda said...

hey deb,
thanks for posting pictures of dylan. he looks sooo different, already! still so cute though! :) and i'm glad you're all doing well. sorry we're missing it. can't wait to see how much he's changed at christmas.

At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dylan,

It's your favorite aunt again!!

He's such a perfect little guy, so cute.

Aunt Bonnie


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