Tuesday, March 1


dylan 110, originally uploaded by beautiful brat.

Hi everyone!!

This is my big brother Nick, he's 19 and I'm only 7 months. But he takes care of me when mommy has to work. I love him alot, he came over Sunday and I sat up for the first time just for him!!
But he still left me to go to church, didn't seem to matter how loud I cried, he didn't come back into the bedroom...but I still love him and I know he loves me.
See the look on my face, it says...see who's holding me, that's right big brother.


At 2:57 AM, Blogger Mike Ambs said...


At 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ditto what Mike said!!!!

P.s. Izabell can say dylan, well sorta, she says "d"!!!

Dylan's fav aunt,


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