Friday, May 13


Nick and Dylan (5/2005, originally uploaded by beautiful brat.

Nick and Dylan at Mandy's track meet last Saturday, (5-07-05). The Onsted girls took first place out of seven schools!!

It was a beautiful day, close to being HOT for a change. Dylan got pink on his arms, we tried to keep him out of the sun but it wasn't easy. He loves to play in the grass and put everything in his mouth.

The track meet lasted from 10:30 until close to 4pm. We got there at 1pm! and Mandy didn't run until 2:30. Dylan never slept because there was just too much going on but he crashed the minute we got in the truck to go home!!


At 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said... wrote a lot do this more often!...and more pictures too..i like pictures

At 10:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you forgot to post somethin about this interesting garage sale we're having's gonna be funfun

At 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally.....lots of stories. Of course I havent been on the computer in over 2 weeks, so i'm a little behind. So maybe it's me.


At 2:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cute picture!


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