Thursday, May 12


I had to work yesterday with my sister and her husband (who has a landscaping business) doing a "dayscape" which is landscaping done in one day. Brian also had his crew working with us and we got it done. But boy I'm sore!! My muscles are complaining, my fingers hurt...but the job got done and it looked great! And since I was so dirty (we worked in the pouring rain) I planted my 2 new trees when I got home, then crawled in the shower with Dylan.

Well my kitchen is green, I still haven't decided on trim color yet and I wish I had new cupboards that french door we have been talking about...
We are going to have to paint our chalkboard black because the green on green just doesn't work. It looks awesome though and no I still haven't agreed to the spartan "S".

Mandy's track meet got cancelled yesterday because of the weather.

One more day then back to work...


At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe you planted your trees! I crawled into a hot shower! I was cold, wet, muddy "drowned rat"!!!!



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