Tuesday, July 19

My blanket...

My blanket..., originally uploaded by beautiful brat.

It's been a while since I posted last...

Mandy took this picture of Dylan last night after I left to go to work. This is Dylan's favorite blanket and he has a favorite corner of the blanket...and he's out like a light when he finds that corner and that thumb.

Dylan will be 1 on July 26th...where does the time go?? We have nothing planned yet...aren't we terrible. His first birthday...

He's trying so hard to walk, he has taken at the most 10 steps...it's so cute because he's just so darn little.

P.S. To Mike, I miss you!! love your little brother


At 1:39 AM, Blogger Mike Ambs said...

I miss you too.

At 7:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dylan is so funny with that blanket, it's a certain corner and until he finds it....

He's adorable!!!

Aunt Bonnie


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