Wednesday, February 22


I have a few minutes to post a quick blog.

Busy working tonight, patient's have kept me busy, but it was the same patient load as the night before except for one new patient so it hasn't been all that bad. Two patient's were receiving blood when I came on, so I had to stay alert for that, blood must be given over 4 hours only.

I had one patient who was having trouble breathing, I suggested a breathing treatment from RT and he's feeling better. I had another that converted from sinus rhythm to a-flutter but an hour later converted back. Sheesh!!

There was a code 37 which is security for the seventh floor, that dang code sound always makes my heart skip a beat! LOL

Dylan has been sick for several days, well I shouldn't say sick. He was cutting teeth but he tends to get a running nose, cough and runs a high fever when he cuts teeth and he never cuts one at a time. They are his second set of molars coming in. The poor kid had me in a panic by Saturday night, he hadn't had hardly anything to drink in two days and he was acting like he was dehydrated. I wanted to take him to the hospital but James didn't because he didn't want him stuck with a needle!! But that's better than organ failure. We were giving him fluids with a syringe trying to keep him hydrated! But finally Sunday morning he started taking a bottle, and he is slowly starting to act like himself. James said he played for 3 hours Tuesday while I slept.

Well I better get back to work...


At 10:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You better be posting again soon, especially since Dylan is back to being himself. What a riot that kid is.

Had fun shopping today in the big town of Adrian.

Talk to you soon,


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