Tuesday, January 16

Frozen crabapples

Frozen crapapples, originally uploaded by beautiful brat.

Check out the other pictures in my flickr account...Pretty but it's cold outside!!


At 5:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to agree that its very beautiful outside especially with the sun hitting the trees, they look like Christmas icicles, some of the trees look gold too. Very pretty, but where is the 70 degree weather?

At 4:40 PM, Blogger Deborah said...

At least six months away!

At 1:39 PM, Blogger Mike Ambs said...

That is amazing looking :) Cold... but amazing...

At 3:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

are they really called "crap" apples mom :) nice spelling

At 4:36 PM, Blogger Deborah said...

oops, I think Nick was the only one to catch my spelling error...brat


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