Wednesday, March 7

Walking Down the Aisle

Walking Down the Aisle
Originally uploaded by k&tlueder.

Barefoot on the beach

Barefoot on the beach
Originally uploaded by k&tlueder.

Hurry up!

Hurry up!
Originally uploaded by k&tlueder.

Smile Pretty!

Smile Pretty!
Originally uploaded by k&tlueder.

More garden poses

More garden poses
Originally uploaded by k&tlueder.

Thursday, March 1


The last couple of weeks of working at the hospital have been trying and touching at the same time.

Last week I had a 85 year old man get teary-eyed on me talking about his special lady...he laughs when he sees I'm getting choked up and tells me not to cry...if you don't sir I won't!

Then I had two nights with a cerebral palsy patient with a mental capacity of 18 months (she's in her 30's) . How sad when she looks at you and you can see fear in her eyes, fear from her nurses, her step-dad... because we had to protect her and us by wearing gowns, mask and gloves. Think about 18 month old baby would cry in fear seeing just someones eyes. All I could do is "coo" to her...telling her it's okay as I assessed her, suctioned her, changed her... but will it ever be okay? Heartbreaking.

Then my little lady (all of 74 pounds) that was having trouble breathing and it went on all night...several breathing treatments and still struggling for a breath. At one point while I sat with her on her bed I asked if she wanted me to call her daughter (I didn't know if she was scared or not) she said no, no I'll be fine...besides I have you here with me and that's all I need. "I'm here for you sweet lady."

Then last night...a man who has been married for 65 years! He was tearful and wanting to go home to her because he was to use to being by her side every night.
I asked his secret to his long marriage, he thought for a moment then replied..."We shared everything". He looks at me with tears in his eyes and said "simple, huh" of course I'm blinking back tears and could just nod and smile. I hope he went home to her today.

I don't work again until Sunday night...
