Saturday, September 4


Well the summer has come to an end here in Michigan, especially today with the temperature!!

My little boy starts First grade on Tuesday...where has the time gone. Dylan is now 6 years old. He passed Kindergarten with flying colors. It's amazing to listen to him read and he also has learned to play the piano. His lessons start back up soon.

It's amazing that i have 3 other children out of school!

Mike will soon be 29 and is traveling back to California as I post this. He is still working on the documentary titled For Thousands of Miles. Check out his sites and his Kickstarter campaign.

Nick will soon be 25 and moved to Washington at the beginning of August. He is an event coordinator for Habitat for Humanity. So he's living on a dime! But it's an awesome experience for him.

Mandy will soon be 19! My baby girl is all grown up and attending college and working as a waitress/server/bus girl as she puts herself through school. Every once in a while she finds time for her mom....

I just want to say that all 4 of my kids are amazing!


At 11:18 PM, Blogger Nick said...

Thanks mom! but my personal opinion is that it takes a pretty amazing mom to make so many wonderful kids :) Thanks for everything!

At 9:28 PM, Blogger Mike Ambs said...

Mmhmm :) What Nick said.


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