Our Little Baby Boy
Baby Dylan
Monday, October 25
Here's a recent picture of Dylan. This was taken last week by his Aunt Bonnie at Mandy's birthday party. She tends to get her film developed faster than I do!
I'm not really sure what he weighs but I'm guessing around 11 or 12 pounds. He is 3 months old tomorrow, he won't have a doctor's appointment until his 4th month check-up.
He loves to smile at his big brother, Nick, (his arm) and loves it when Nick sings to him. He already shows a preference for music, he fusses when rap music is on!! He loves to "talk" to us and he giggles at our antics. He is reaching and grabbing for toys, his favorite is the mobile on his crib. He is also discovering his thumb, not a good thing, it took me 5 to 7 years to break Nick of his thumb!!
I have been blessed once again with a wonderful child, he is so content, just like his 2 brothers and his sister.
Tuesday, October 19
Happy 13th Birthday to my beautiful daughter, Mandy Sue.
It's hard to believe she's 13 already, time does fly, she keeps us busy with her school work, sports and PMS!
She's all girl, but put a basketball or softball in her hand and she becomes one tough little lady.
Mandy, you make us proud!!
Love, Mom, James & Dylan
Wednesday, October 6
Happy Birthday Jeff!!
Jeff is my nephew, my twin sister's son. The day I took this shot was after he had been at the Nascar race all day, that explains the sunburn! But he's resting on the couch with Dylan, amazing what 20 years does growth-wise!
This is your birthday gift for now, your Aunt Deb is a little short on cash so I have to skip this years birthday card!! SORRY, I know how much you like money. I'll make it up to you someday, probably your next birthday!
Love You
Aunt Deb, James
Dylan and Mandy
Tuesday, October 5
Monday, October 4
Well guess who got a hold of the camera again? That's right, that darn dad. This time he took a picture of Dylan with the snake hat which he found in Nick's k'nex box "screaming serpent".
It's funny but kind of creepy at the same time!!
Dylan had his 2 month check-up, time flies doesn't it? He weighs 10 pounds 13 ounces and is 22 1/2 inches long!! He is such a happy baby, always has a smile for those he recognizes and he has actually laughed a couple of times. I'm sure he's laughing at us and not with us! He must of had a funny dream the other day because he was giggling in his sleep while we were at Mandy's softball meeting, Mandy was busting up and the people around us were quite amused also.
James tends to freak when someone is talking and Dylan makes a peep, good grief, you should see him at church. He'll literally run out of the church with the baby if Dylan makes a sound when the preacher is talking. I just roll my eyes and laugh, but I finally did give in and I put Dylan in the church nursery now. Basically to save James' groin muscle from when he jumps over the pew!!
I had a bad experience with a church nursery once with my daughter, so James knew that was a big step for me to put Dylan in the hands of strangers. So far no problems, but it will get ugly if...
Everything is going great, I have always loved this part of parenting. The precious smiles, the eye contact and when they follow you around the room with their eyes, they just don't want to lose sight of their mommy, is so special. I love being a mom!! from 2 months old to 22 years old, my kids are great!