Sunday, November 21


scan0005, originally uploaded by beautiful brat.

Dylan has discovered his thumb.


scan0004, originally uploaded by beautiful brat.

Dylan and his daddy's week-end consist of this!!

Tuesday, November 16


scan0003, originally uploaded by beautiful brat.

Last but not least, it's Nick's 19th Birthday today. He is the last of the birthday's for the year.

He is wonderful, caring, kind, helpful, and always there for friends and family. He has a ready smile and a great sense of humor, at times I don't get his humor, but hey I'm the mom!

Right now he's taking time off from school,(and work) but plans on attending Siena Heights University in the fall of next year. He will major in Psyche and minor in music. He will also run Cross Country and I'm assuming track for the University.

I'm extremely proud of you Nick, you maintained great grades through school and was outstanding in my eyes with your sports. I appreciate your help (with Dylan) and I love having our conversations during the week.

I hope you have a wonderful birthday.

Love, Mom

P.S. He's single, ladies!!

Thursday, November 11


scan0002, originally uploaded by beautiful brat.

Mike, happy birthday!!! It just amazes me that 23 years have passed by so quickly. I still remember your birth so clearly, the amazing love you feel for a child is over-whelming, the passion to protect...
Mike was a beautiful, wonderful baby, toddler, child and teenager. He is now a brillant loving young man. I am so proud of you, your strong commitment to life thrills me, live it to your fullest. Do what makes you happy!! And of course you know you always have a place to call home back here in Michigan. I miss you terribly, that brillant smile, your wit, your humor...

Happy Birthday, my dear son.

Love mom

p.s. Mike is the one with his arm around his girlfriend, Amanda.

Friday, November 5


scan0001, originally uploaded by beautiful brat.

Sorry I forgot your anniversary, I plead guilty to stress and aniexty that week!! For some reason I just all of a sudden remembered I missed it early this morning. Hope you had a nice day!!

Bon and Brian were married in Jamaica at the Sandals Resort! I believe it's been 2 years now, maybe 3 no I think it's 2. (dang it, memory is going)
I would have scanned a picture of the wedding but all I have are 5 X 7's but take my word for it, they were beautiful.
If anyone is planning a wedding, consider Jamaica, mon!!

Thursday, November 4


Hi everyone, no picture today just thought I would post and say hi, it's been a while.

Being pregnant was a lot of fun, but at my age the weight I gained, wow!! But it's slowly coming off and I'm grateful for that. I work out every morning at the school's fitness center, then in the afternoon Dylan and I walk 4 miles at the track. This week walking hasn't happened but I still burned alot of calories by working in my gardens. I also work my stomach muscles at night while I wait to give Dylan his last bottle of the night. I told James the other day I would give myself one year to get my stomach firm again, then it's hello liposuction! He actually told me we had to pay off his college bill first, hmmm...he's such a funny man.

I've been busy the last couple of days, I helped my sister clean out a garden for the winter for a customer it took us 3 1/2 hours!! Then I went home and worked in mine for another 2 hours, plus I worked out in the morning at the fitness center, what a day, by the time it was done I was beat!!
Then today I worked out again and when I got home I spent another 3 hours in my gardens, you know, they are beautiful in the summer but dang they are alot of work. I have yucca plants that have gotten HUGE, so I dug up two of them today. When I was done dividing them up I had 8 plants, so I took them to my mother-in-law's house and put them in her gardens. James now has 2 garbage cans and probably about 5 bags of dead plants to get rid of, he'll love it!

Dylan is really growing, he is 3 1/2 months old and adorable. It's funny how much he looks like my dad, I look in his eyes and I swear it's my dad looking back at me. I wish he was still around to see him, man I miss him!! OKAY on to something else as soon as I wipe my eyes, you would think after 3 years it would be easier but it's not...

I'm hoping to put off going back to work until January. It will be tight but.... I will probably start at Foote Hospital in Jackson, but I'm really hoping to get into Chelsea someday. Chelsea has 8 hour shifts and Foote's are 12, and coming home after working 12 and having to take care of Dylan will be tough. I'll have to sleep when he does, hmmm that's going to be interesting, but I'm looking forward to starting my RN career.

Well life's been busy and fun. I really love having a baby in the house again, if I was younger I would have another but I'm not so I won't!!
Mandy is a big help and Nick is a godsend. He babysits when I have to work for my brother-in-law and he watched Dylan one day so James and I could take off on the motorcycle for a few hours. That was wonderful, it was such a beautiful day to go riding...

Well take care everyone and I'll try to post more often!!