Wednesday, June 30


James asked in the comments if Trent had been used yet, it was just the day before and he voted for the name!! Do you not read these posts? Take a minute, relax and read!!!

Well, hmmm what did I do yesterday? Apparently nothing exciting!
I did put in a good day of studying for my NCLEX exam. Jumped around to different subjects, drew pictures of the heart and lungs for a reminder of where things are located. This way I didn't get burned out from studying.

Deb called to chat and Bon and Brian came over to borrow the truck for the week and Nick stopped by to drop off gifts from Kenya. OH, James came home at a decent time, not on time but decent!!

Well, dang can't think of anything to write about, I guess I better do something more exciting today!!

Logan beat Trent 16 votes to one, for today's vote we will use Logan and Dylan. Happy voting!!

Tuesday, June 29


Nick finally made it home, safe, sound and still insane!! I was starting to worry, especially around 3pm when I thought his plane left NY at 7am!! and he still wasn't home. But...he made it, though several delays, missed flights and unexpected overnight stays, more missed flights and a long drive home from Chicago (they gave up on ever reaching Metro) he arrived home about 5pm Monday.

He enjoyed his time spent in Kenya, the people were nice and the food a little boring, so Nick and Peggy were chowing down on Subway when I walked in my door. He thought he was only going to die once and that was when he was drinking the milk he was offered. The team was told not to drink the milk and not to turn down anything that was offered to them!! So what do you do when you are offered milk? you accept it and pray to God you don't get the stomach virus that lasts 6 months that they warned you about.

The reason I think he's insane, you ask? It's about the hundred donuts he did in the school parking lot as Mandy and I watched, here I am trying to teach her the rights about driving and then along comes Nick. KIDS, you gotta love em!!

Voting ended this morning with another win for Logan 10 votes to 6 over Trent. Today's vote is for LOGAN OR GABRIEL (GABE).

Happy Voting!!

P.S. Brian, hope you are okay. For those of you who want to know why I'm hoping my bro-in-law is okay, go back to yesterday's post and read the comment from the "Idiot Husband".

Monday, June 28


Hey everyone, did you miss me on Sunday?

We had a fun week-end in Holland. The girls softball games kept us entertained all of Saturday, but they only won one game, so they didn't play on Sunday. The games were close on Saturday, but I guess they got mercied in their two games on Friday. Which was like a game practice for these girls, since there was only 4 girls from the Magic team and all the other girls came from a Clinton team. But they pulled it together on Saturday and played some good ball.

Sunday found us in Saugatuck, Michigan at the sand dunes and then in town. What a great place!! and James, Mandy and I can't wait to go back with a pocketful of money and me being my "slim self"!!

Nick didn't make it home yet, the team missed the London flight and couldn't catch the next flight until Sunday into New York. They should have left NY at 7am this morning...

Well I need to get out the door for my doctor's appt. so for today's voting we will use Logan or Trent. Have a great day and Bon, I'll see you shortly after my appt.

Saturday, June 26


Hey everyone, got to keep this short because it's time to hit the highway to Holland.

Jack had 4 votes, Noah had 1 and Logan had 7 votes. So the winner today is LOGAN. Jack is 14th on the list of 100, Noah is 21st and Logan is 18th on the list.

Went to a few garage sales yesterday after dropping Mandy off at her coach's house. James was home by 6:15, it is a rarity!! and this even after stopping for a hug from his nephew.

Well I need to get upstairs and start reminding James it's time to go, believe it or not the man just turned the shower on!! He always try's to blame me for making us late!

I'm not sure I'll have computer access for Sunday, so there may or may not be a new post for Sunday. If not I'll be on Monday before my doctor's appointment!

Have a great week-end!! Name choices are Logan and Seth.

Sorry like the title says Short and Sweet!!

Friday, June 25


Sorry to disappoint Tracy and Elisa but Jack lives for another day!! :)

I went to some more garage sales with Debbie (sister-in-law) and Bon was able to go to a few with us before she headed to work. I found a few things but Debbie had alot of luck, thank goodness I was driving the truck!
Mandy leaves today for Holland, for a week-end of ballgames. James and I will head up tomorrow morning early, her first game on Saturday is at 11 and it's a 3 hour drive to Holland. She has two games today at 4 and 5:30, hopefully these girls have their game faces on so we don't see defeat like last week-end. I have to have her at her coach's house by 10am and they will be on their way. It's been a lonelier week this week, Mandy spent the night with a friend, then at her dad's, now Holland, plus James working late,grrrr!

Okay, so on to the voting, we had another tie. This time it was between Noah and Jack 9 votes each (I doubled checked). So we have to put both of these names back up plus one more. Let's see, hmmmm...

Noah or Jack or Logan!! Happy voting and have a great day.

Thursday, June 24

NCLEX, Ready or Not!!

Well I did it! I signed up to take my NCLEX-RN Exam in Ann Arbor on July 21st!! I get butterflies just thinking about it, so lets move on to a different subject!

I hung out with my sister for a few hours yesterday, Mandy was at a friends house. We hit a couple of garage sales, my bargain of the day was a Fisher Price Mobile with a REMOTE (LOL) if you can believe that for 1.00, too cute! Bon had fun at that garage sale because of all the girl clothes for her granddaughter, she went a little crazy!! Then we went down to her son's apartment (Quincy) so she could highlight and cut his hair. We didn't have too much luck after that for garage sales and I had to get Mandy by 3. But I'm meeting her at 9 this morning with Big Blue in case she makes a major purchase today. So thanks Bon for making my day go a little faster. I guess I'm not use to being idle and it's starting to get on my nerves, but now that I have a test date, I have something different to focus on and I better get some serious studying in. Well enough of me for today, I have to get going.

I luckily re-checked myself when adding up all the votes this morning because I had another tie going with Ian and Jack but... when I re-added Jack won by one!

Jack had 8 votes, Ian 7 and Nathan had 5. Today's vote is for Jack or Noah.

Happy Voting!

Wednesday, June 23


Well folks, we have a first. Ian and Jack each got 6 votes a piece. If Thi had actually voted, instead of just commenting we would have had a winner.

Yesterday found Mandy and I just goofing around the house, not much to do. She took me driving again, the girl just doesn't get it when it comes to backing into a parking space!! We did some more painting in her room (table and picture frame) and I also touched up where James had hit the walls moving furniture in.
My sister-in-law was suppose to come over, but that didn't happen so Mandy and I left to get a few things at the grocery store and when we got back there was a message for her about ball practice. So we headed to the park at 6pm so she could practice pitching with Ron and at 7pm I left to go home to eat!! She ended up staying at Allison's last night and I'll pick her up later this afternoon. So needless to say my evening was BORING, thank goodness for Bon and the phone!

Okay lets get to the voting! Ian, Jack or Nathan. Good luck with your decisions and get as many people as you can to vote so we don't end up with another tie!!

Tuesday, June 22


Yes everyone he finally remembered to vote and needless to say the name didn't make it that he voted for! Ian won 7 votes to 4 votes over Bryce. Funny thing is Elisa choose this name and didn't even vote for it, decided she didn't like it as well as she thought! Ian is 53 on the list of top 100 baby names and Bryce is 85.

And a big THANK YOU to all the men who voted and to Steve (james' boss) who suggested Beanpot. I'm thinking he was aiming this wise-ass name towards my husband somehow. But let's keep trying to get more men to vote ladies. Even though we have better taste in names (beanpot for example).

Well Mandy and I didn't do to much yesterday, she convinced me to let her drive around the school parking lot, something James started, and just a reminder she's only 12. She did alright and only made my stomach lurch once, quite similar to her brothers and they were 15 before I got in the car with them behind the wheel. Mike always rode the side of road too much and managed to scratch the side of the car... but that's another story for another day.
We also re-arranged her room, because James claimed all week-end that he would get the computer room changed around and make it both a guest room and office. Needless to say he backed out of that one, and said he would have to wait until Nick came home to help move all the heavy furniture, whatever!! So needless to say I'm going to have the spare bed in the family room for over a week before Nick gets back, great....

Well the sunshine is calling me (privacy=bikini) though you really don't want to know what Mandy says to this sight! So let's start voting for Ian, of course, and Jack.


Monday, June 21


I used Kara's name choice Sunday against Ian, and quess what, Kara didn't vote and Ian won 5 votes to 4!! If you had only voted for your name choice we would have 3 names to pick from today, darn!!

Where did the week-end go? We had so many ball games, even though Sunday's one game was it, the girls didn't get a mercy so we went the full 6 or 7 innings. It was the last inning, with Mandy pitching and she and her team mates kept Flat Rock from scoring (it was 9-2) so along come the Irish Hills Magic team for their last up to bat. They managed to bring the game to a 9-8 score with 2 outs and bases loaded...darn if we could have only gotten one more huge hit! Oh well, they played their best game Sunday and it was great to see them get it together again.

Heard from my son (Nick) who is in Kenya. Everything is going great and he said not to worry, he sends his love, the people are super nice and he'll see us next Sunday.

Also, Brian is threatening not to vote anymore because he is the only guy voting, so guys lets start voting!! Brian remember Nick is in Kenya and can't vote right now, but before that he was always voting and Mike I don't know what his excuse is. But come on ladies get your guys to vote even if you have to type for them!! And we had a new voter with Patrick, so come on Brian don't bail out with only 5 weeks to go.

For today's vote it will be Ian and Bryce. Bryce is a name that Elisa submitted as was Ethan and we all know that Ethan is in the FINALS. So lets see how her second choice holds up.

Happy voting!

Sunday, June 20


Wow, what a long day of softball, we left the house at 9:15am and never got home until 10pm. And as you can see by the title, the girls had little luck winning yesterday also. Mandy did pitch in the last game, we were already mercied with no hope of catching up and she did a great job! It was the shortest of innings and she threw several strikes, needless to say she wasn't nervous this time.
It was a beautiful day for ball and we all ended up with too much sun, especially James since he was as white as a ghost!! I'm sure he'll be hurting today, (time to get out the aloe).
Well, we have one more game today, Mandy has to be there by 11 to play at noon and then we'll be done until next week-end, where we have to travel to Holland. We have been told to practice with Mandy all week, because she will more than likely start a game, I just hope it's Saturday because we won't make it Friday, her games are too early in the day.

Well we had another mercy in voting too, Ian won over Chase 6 votes to zero!!

So we will go with Ian and Aidan, happy voting and have a great Sunday.


Saturday, June 19


Well for the first time since Mandy has played ball, her team was mercied!
The girls lost one player to another team (pitcher) but, we still have Kelsey and we now have beginner pitchers in Sarah and Mandy. Sarah started the game last night and was doing great. Then the other team came alive and they ended up pulling Sarah and putting in Mandy. Now mind you, Mandy has only started practicing pitching for the last two weeks! She was so nervous, she said she was shaking after her first inning was over, and that she could hardly lift her thermos to drink! But she did start to get the hang of it in her last inning. But I do believe the girls lost 20-4, so the game ended in the 4th! Oh well, hopefully we will have a better day today, we have games at 11, 1 and either 5 or 7pm.

Ian won over Travis 8 votes to 1, so we have another mercy lost!

For today's names it will be Ian and Chase. Happy voting and have a great day!!

Friday, June 18


Well a whole week went by and not once did James get on a vote! (and to think this was his idea)

Mandy and I hit the garage sales in Brooklyn yesterday (remember it's race week in the Irish Hills of Michigan). We had fun, even though it was extremely muggy! I found a baby monitor for 1.00!! I DID NOT buy the kid anymore clothes even though I was tempted, and Mandy was very tempted to bring home a free kitten, but I said NO WAY. I know, I'm mean! But I just don't have the house for it.

Mandy also had ball practice after a day of garage sales so needless to say she hit the shower when she got home from that, she was drenched in sweat. She will be playing ball tonight at 8pm in Ann Arbor and then 3 games on Saturday and 1 game on Sunday and hopefully a chance to play in the championship game. So it's a busy week-end of softball. Next week-end is the same, but in Holland (where the tulips grow!)

Well that was our day yesterday, now for today's vote. Travis won 5 votes to zero over Ashton. So the names today are Travis and Ian.

(Travis was from the list that Mandy's friends made up and presented to James and I with card they had all made. It was a sweet gesture from these girls. So I'm sure Travis is some cute boy in class that they are all gaga over!)

Happy voting and have a great day!

Thursday, June 17


Well, it seems I didn't do a good job with choosing the names for yesterdays vote. Nobody really liked either name, and some actually chickened out from voting!! (I won't name names, but we know who you are)

I collected more baby items from my nephew, I have not bought hardly anything for this baby, it's great having a niece that is almost a year old. I have a car seat, swing, bouncer, changing table... and the list goes on! THANK YOU!!

Well, I can't think of anything to say today, hmmmm that's not like me!
Oh, hmmmm, no thought I had a thought but I lost it already. So let's just get to the voting. We will of course use Ashton (4 votes) and Travis.

Hope this name excites some of you out there!

Wednesday, June 16


What a game, Mandy and I stayed up to watch the whole thing, it was awesome! The Lakers had the game going for a short time in the first quarter then fell apart. Maybe this will show them it takes a team to win and not just a couple of "stars", whose game was off last night!! The fourth quarter showed some awesome plays from the pistons, while the Lakers watched from the sidelines with stunned faces, Gotta love it!

Well we didn't do to much yesterday, Mandy had her hair done by Bonnie and then I got her home in time for softball practice and that was about the whole day. Really exciting summer we got going on right now. James called to say he would be home at 7 but that didn't happen and when he did get home he just went to bed, so the ball-games this week-end and next didn't get discussed and they probably won't again tonight! Hmmm, I wonder if he would respond to e-mail, no I doubt he's too busy.

Well today we'll start with two new names, Ethan will come back in the "finals". So let's try Ashton and Mitch.

Happy voting!

Tuesday, June 15


What does everyone think of putting Ethan in the finals! What we will do starting tomorrow, if the majority of people agree, is start with two new names and start voting on those, when we get down to a name that everyone likes we will pit that name against Ethan. It may not be just two names that are against each other in the end it might be three, who knows. So let me know today when you vote what you think of this idea.

Well, I didn't do to much yesterday, I finished weeding my gardens, that was painful. If pregnancy didn't involve so many minuses and a few more pluses we pregnant women would have a FUN pregnancy. Which is what my doctor said I would have, but....Shortness of breath, constipation, water retention, not being able to get up off the floor without help, a struggle to give myself a pedicure, clean the tub, leg cramps, less sex if any!, outgrowing maternity clothes (ouch), and the list goes on...I'm not sure I see FUN pregnancy anywhere in this picture. Oh well, good thing I have a husband who likes to pamper me even though it is only on the week-ends now.

Don't forget to watch the PISTONS tonight, we are looking for the WIN, so they don't have to go back to LA!!

Okay for today we will stick with Ethan and Rex, and remember to give me your vote also on Mandy's idea!! Have a great day everyone and thanks for all the laughs with your comments.

Monday, June 14

Debbie Knows

Well, James finally let his sister Debbie know that I was pregnant. We were trying to keep it a surprise since she will be here from Wyoming this Thrusday, but too many rumors were flying around. Debbie's coming home for 1 year to spend time with her family, she has breast cancer that has spread to her lungs, but with everyone's prayers, she'll beat it, and will be Aunt Debbie to our baby for many years.

Heard from Nick (kenya) he made it okay, plane trip was boring but he survived it and the people are super nice he said. To check out a site log onto .

Sorry I didn't get around to "blogging" yesterday. We overslept and had one hour to get ready for church. Then we went to visit Mr. Mommers and Grandma at their care homes. By the time we got home it was after 4pm and I didn't think would be fair to blog and vote and then do it again first thing Monday morning.

ETHAN wins over Wyatt (barely) 7 votes to 5. So Ethan rocks another day just as the PISTONS rocked last night 88 to 80!!

So for today's vote, let's try Christopher against Ethan.

And remember to keep Nick in your thoughts and Debbie too!!

Saturday, June 12

Boy, My face is Red!

James actually came home at a decent time for a change Friday night. He started talking about work and happened to mention a Bruce, finally my curiosty got the best of me and I asked if he had told the people at work about the baby blog. He of course said yes, and of course I happened to see a Bruce on the comment page. So even though I was complaining about his job, it was only because I was starting to get a little lonely, NOT because I have anything against his job. I know it takes time to learn a new job, heck I'll have 6 to 8 weeks of orientation when I go back to work after the baby! But I'm still embarrassed because I haven't even met these people yet, and here I am putting my foot in my mouth. SORRY

Did anyone watch the presidential burial of Reagan, what a tear jerker.

Well anyways back to the matter at hand. Ethan won again 7 votes to 3. Sorry Mandy!!

For today's vote we will go with Ethan against Wyatt. Happy voting!!

Friday, June 11

Pistons Rock 88 to 68 and so does Ethan 8 to 1!

Ethan wins 8 to 1. Mike was lone vote for Conner. He must not have put Conner and Mommers together. Sounds funny doesn't it.

My doctor appt. (32 weeks) went well, I was disappointed that I misunderstood when the ultrasound was to be done and I have to wait until my 35th week or at least after my 34 week check-up! So I still have to take it easy for another 2 weeks, Grrrr! But everything else was great.

The baby's room is almost complete, just some touching up on the paint. I put it together last night and then sorted through all the clothes. This kid has way to much clothes especially 0-6 months!! Mandy even commented that the kid has more clothes then she does and he wasn't even born yet! Hmmmm, better take her shopping. (just kidding)

James wanted me to start posting the blog after 10 so he has time to vote, well I've done that all week and I think he's been on once. (it's after 10 now too) So i'll probably go back to first thing in the morning for blogging and counting votes. Feeling a little lonely when the (Dad) doesn't get involved in naming his own son. Oh well, flippin job! but at least he's working and working and working...

Okay I'm done complaining or whining whatever you want to call it. We'll vote now. Let's see of course the name Ethan and then we'll try Ty (mandy's list).

Okay vote either for Ethan or Ty and root for the Pistons!!!

Thursday, June 10

Ethan wins again, Good thing I like this name!!

Well I didn't tally up the votes, because everyone voted for Ethan. Except James and I'm not sure which page he was on!

I'm posting late today because I just got back from the church, the mission trip people left today. They are on they're way to Kenya, so keep my son Nick and his 17 partners in your prayers. They will be back on the 27th.

I finished painting the baby's room yesterday, I still have to clean carpets and arrange the furniture, but I'm almost done! Bon helped me last week for 2 days and that was a huge help, but I wish I had more help, it was still alot of work especially in this humid weather for me.

I have my 32 week check-up today, Mandy will be able to hear the baby's heartbeat so that will be cool for her.

Well let's vote again, for either Ethan or Conner.

Wednesday, June 9

Close but Ethan Wins Again

Ethan wins against Ryan 6 votes to 4. This was a tough one to vote on, I also liked both names.

Well, I've been busy this morning. I put a coat of primer on the walls in the baby's room and soon I'll add the color. James called hoping I could find a number for him to a computer place that a distant relative owns, well I did find it, but now I can't get through to his place of work. This will be just GREAT when I go into labor, all I'll get is all agents are busy please stay on the line, yeah right!!! Cell phones are in our immediate future!

It's another hot, humid day and even with a fan and the window open the baby's room is hot so I'll be slow going getting it done, but hopefully today I do.

Well let's see what name should I put with Ethan, hmmmm let's try Alexander (the great).

Nick gave me a great name idea, and I'll be using it soon, along with all the other ideas, give me time.

Have fun voting!!

Tuesday, June 8

Ethan Wins Again!!

Well, it seems to me the name Ethan is well liked. Except Mandy and James (DAD) don't seem to like it. But that doesn't surprise me James and I haven't agreed on a name yet!!

I feel sorry for every pregnant women out there today. Here in Michigan we are looking at 90 degrees and humid. Luckily I'm at my sister's and she has her air hooked up. I'm watching her granddaughter today and I have Mandy to help me because she's a busy little girl now! I took it easy yesterday, except I did clean two closets and the bath tub. Do you know how hard it is to clean a tub with this belly in the way? Close to impossible but I did it.

Well enough of my jabbering, time to vote either for Ethan or Ryan.

Get out and VOTE today!!

Monday, June 7

Twice in a Row

Ethan wins again, by a landslide. Most voters didn't like Patrick because of the chance he would be called Pat, as he got older. I'll admit I was worried about that too.

Thanks for all the Birthday wishes, Bon and I had a great day. My husband left me a card this morning by the computer (he knows I hit the blog first thing) and he always writes loving words which brings me to tears every time. (makeup is smudged already!)

The pregnancy is going great (32 weeks this wednesday) but I did have a little water retention yesterday around the ankles, so up they went to bring it down. I propped them most of the night and can report I now have ankles again this morning. So I'll have to be more careful, but darn it I have alot of flower gardens to tend to yet.

Well enough of a short update, time to vote for either Ethan or Jason. Have fun with it everyone!!

Sunday, June 6


We have a name that finally won without any competition. But since I still have a few weeks to go before my due date, we will continue with the name picking.

James has chosen the next name, but it came off my list. So the next name is Patrick and of course Ethan.

Nick did great at State Finals, he had a personal best record for his part of the 2-mile relay. He thinks they finished 16th in the State, but I believe he was guessing. The paper should say for sure today. But I was certainly proud of him and I hope he was proud of my video taping!!

Well I will also wish my sister a HAPPY BIRTHDAY today!! Which means it's my birthday too (just in case my kids needed a reminder!!)

Well go vote people, for either Ethan or Patrick.

Saturday, June 5

Derrick barely wins

The votes are in and Derrick wins 3 to 2. I think I better come up with some better names, we didn't have to many votes for my name choices.

So of course we have to go with Derrick and let's try Ethan.

I'm posting extra early today as we are leaving for Grand Rapids to watch my son, Nick, run at the STATE FINALS for the 2 MILE RELAY. Go Guys!!!

Friday, June 4

Cameron wins by a landslide

Well I counted the votes and Cameron has it 5 to 1. Brian screwed up the vote by voting for idiot (wasn't a choice, idiot!) and Amanda still liked Jacob. Nick on the hand didn't like either name and he was the one person I was counting on to vote the right way.

So far no name has made it 2 days, what is up with that!! But these comments are a hoot that you guys are leaving so it's making it fun!

For today it's of course Cameron and let's try Derrick. And remember to put it with Mommers and I'm leaning towards Lewis-Guilliam (both dad's names) for the middle names.


Thursday, June 3

Idiot bites the dust!!

Well finally a name we can be proud of!

Jacob wins by a nose (mommers' nose). From what I added Jacob won 4 to 3, because Tracy didn't place a vote she just said she didn't like Jacob, and then volunteered a name (wyatt earp) so those of you who really liked Idiot, you'll have to e-mail Tracy and file a complaint with her (ha-ha).

So now let's try Jacob and hmmmm, my list is long, Cameron. Yeah, Jacob or Cameron.


Wednesday, June 2

Idiot wins

I don't know about you people. Only Nick got it right choosing Anthony, go NICK!!!

Now for today's new name we will try Jake (jacob) and of course Idiot.

Ready, set go vote!! and check us out in the morning again for the winner.

Tuesday, June 1

Let's try this again

I'm going with Amanda's suggestion, just a couple names at a time. But, Mike, I'm afraid Ty is out because I don't need Amanda, (thinking of her one friend(?) who turned out to be a jerk,) comparing our baby to this (jerk) guy.

So let's try Anthony or Bon's suggestion of idiot!! and let's see which name wins. On your mark, get set, go!!!