Our Little Baby Boy
Baby Dylan
Thursday, July 29
Wednesday, July 28
We are all home and healthy!! Welcome Dylan Lewis-Guillaume Mommers! He weighed in at 7lbs 1oz. and was 19 inches long. Spartan green you Smith boys!
He is beautiful!! and he kept his dad up for most of the night, wide awake and looking around, but it gave James time to bond with his son!!
We got to the hospital Monday morning at 7:15 and I was admitted and induced by 9:30. Nick and Mandy were there, they would step out of the room during certain exams!! But it was fun having them there to ease my mind. They left for a couple of hours to go shopping, Nick had some money burning a hole in his wallet, while they were gone James and I got up to walk for a short time. The baby's heart rate was dropping a bit during contractions (variable's) but nothing serious (even though I was still nervous) Hey Terri, remember Lisa? I had her for my nurse for part of the morning, she remembered me from clinicals!
Dr. Vendola came in at 12:45 (about) and broke my water, I has having contractions but nothing intense every 2 to 5 minutes. Well, that was before the flood!! Did those contractions ever get intense right after that, and I was only dialated to 3!!! But since this wasn't new to me I knew he was going to make his appearance soon. During one contraction which was so intense I asked James to get the nurse, but... I was still only at 5! But it probably wasn't more than 30 minutes later that he was born!! I had to hold on for 3 contractions (one right after the other) before I could push, thank goodness the doctor has his office at Foote!! Because there was not going to be any more holding on for the next one!! 3 pushes and he made his grand entrance!!
James cut the cord, but they didn't warn him about the blood so he managed to get it on his shirt and the hospital window!! Leave it to him :) The nurses found him a "paper" scrub for him to wear for the rest of the day. James did a great job, trying to keep me calm during the intense moments and he has the battle scars to show for it. I thought I was grabbing just his shirt but, hmmmm, I also got his skin. (wasn't intentionally, I swear!)
Now of course, I'm very surprised he only weighed 7 lbs 1 oz. because that means I have some serious weight to lose!! DANG! (heehee) but I'll get it off, I got the okay for the fitness center starting next week, but they gave me "things" to watch for, so if it's too soon, I'll know to wait another week.
I want to thank everyone who voted and who followed the blog for the last couple of months, it's been alot of fun! All the name suggestions and comments and jokes have been a riot and kept me entertained in between studying (no I still haven't checked NCLEX results). I love the name choice, but I also would have been just as happy with Ethan but Dylan is a little different and that's why I like that one the most. His uncle Brian plans on giving him the nickname "King Louie" but we'll see about that!
I'll post pictures hopefully today, I'm sure Nick is working right now, but some time tonight!
And I'll post updates every so often.
Love to all and thank you for your prayers and thoughts!
Saturday, July 24
Well everyone, this is our last voting day!! So make sure you get your friends, partners, husband and wives in on this.
I tried to have the baby yesterday, but like all my other kids this one is stubborn also. I managed to weed half my gardens. But you would not believe how much more I have got to go, I'm thinking a condo sounds really good right now!
But between gardens, ironing (i'm going to give james this job soon, since they're his clothes) laundry, dishes, and mopping the floor (coffee spills, hmmmm) I was pretty wiped out. And I had no contractions, darn it!
Well, I'm going to keep this short, since the internet is so slow on the week-ends. The girls and I are headed out the door to meet up with Bon and her sister-in-law for a day of garage sales and what ever else we can find to do. Have a great week-end and hopefully I'll have a post for all of you Monday announcing the birth!!
Today's vote is either Dylan or Ethan.
Friday, July 23
Today is going to be a beautiful day, weather wise. Storms passed through Michigan (we didn't get hit) but it brought cool weather and no humidity!!! Yippee. It is only going to be in the 70's all week-end, I just may take an afternoon nap in the sunshine today!
Yesterday was a pretty quiet day, I spent several hours working a photo albums, it's such a bummer when I get behind with pictures. But I filled two photo albums alone just with Nick's track and cross country pictures! (that's over 400 pics) and he claims I have some started already but I can't find them, so he said he'll look for them, because I may have done duplicates, which is not necessary. But that was alot of sitting and needless to say my feet swelled. And to think James wants me to wait until August!
Mandy went to Kelsey's house to spend the night, I'll pick her up later this afternoon. She was so nervous yesterday, I went in her room and asked if she wanted to go with me to some garage sales and she said no. Well I was only gone for one hour and she had a fit because she didn't remember me talking to her before I left. So she thought I left without her to go to the hospital! Silly girl!
My contractions last night were intense, but pretty scattered. (darn, darn, darn) Here's hoping for more today!! :) Well like I said my day was pretty quiet so I don't have much to talk about today so we'll just get onto the voting. Ethan won over Logan yesterday 9 votes to 6 votes. So today's vote will be Ethan and Noah.
I plan on posting this week-end too, even though the internet seems to be much slower to post, but I would like to have an idea about a name before I go to the hospital on Monday!! After today's vote we will be down to one other name and I'm still not sure what James wants to do (go with the winner or what) but luckily I like all the names we have gone through the finals with.
Happy Friday everyone!
Thursday, July 22
Yes, Baby Mommers will make his appearance within the next 5 days. My appointment went great yesterday with the news that I have dilated to 2cm and if I don't have the baby on my own, then Monday the Doctor will induce my labor. I have a past history of fast delivery's ( 1 hour) and he doesn't want to take any chances with me delivering on the side of the road!! The only bad thing was the weight gain! but hopefully it was mostly water retention especially since my ankles were non-existent yesterday! but wow it's really getting ugly.
I packed my overnight bag yesterday since hearing the good news. I've been stalling on that part, but all I have to throw in are the last minute items. It took me awhile to decide which outfit to pack to bring the little guy home in but I finally threw in two outfits and I'll make the decision based on how big he is. Mandy also kept insisting that she'll drive me to the hospital (reminder she's only 12) but I told her NO WAY I'll drive myself, (I'd walk also) because stress and contractions don't mix well! :)
Oh my State Boards, hmmm, I don't have a clue. The questions were hard, I had psych. questions, baby questions, peds. questions and priority questions. Only one med question, it was not what they said it would be about and when the computer shut off after 75 questions so did my heart. I just wanted to shake that computer until it came back on because I wanted more padding. Oh well I can only hope for the best... two other girls walked out within minutes of me and both felt the same way, sick to their stomachs and very unsure of themselves. Dang test anyways!!
It seems I have upset my husband once again. But I don't think he realizes how tough the last 4 weeks have been. The water retention, the sweating, the fact I can't even bend over to tie my shoes without becoming short of breath is getting on my nerves. Yes, I'm very tired of being pregnant and I want the baby out!! You seem so distant lately and I feel very alone and if I take my frustrations out on you, I'm sorry but....I do love you!
I forgot to mention at the top that Ethan won over Jack 10 votes to 4. For today's vote it will be Ethan against Logan.
Happy voting and now I'm going to try to walk this baby out of me by going to a few local garage sales! But I won't be long because Michigan weather once again has turned HUMID!!
Tuesday, July 20
Well my day yesterday was very quiet, I studied most of the day for my exam and today nothing is planned but to relax and not think about it!! So I don't have alot to say, hmmm what to talk about. Nick did stop by in the morning, about 6:30 for breakfast and I see he was here again this morning (I was at the fitness center and missed him) but yesterday we talked for about 30 minutes before he headed out the door to finish getting ready for work. Mandy called me in the afternoon, stuck at the airport and bored, but I see she voted yesterday so she's home safe and sound!! and it sounds like I'll have a ton of laundry to do, darn!
I have "dropped" and today at the fitness center I could really tell. I was able to do the rowing machine without hitting myself in the tummy!! :) but anyways.... it was a good workout at least the best I can do at the moment.
Well, that was my day. Exciting huh, James didn't even bother to come home at a decent time. Funny how he can stay up pass dark to golf ( I could swear that golf course doesn't have lights!) but any other time he would be in bed long before dark. See what I mean when it comes to his friends, it's a good thing the contractions stopped last night or he would have missed out because I'm not going to track him down! Oh, but at least he remembered to bring my camera home, doesn't work now for some reason but it's back. Nothing like having a baby due anytime and the camera stops working, I'll have to try all new batteries and see if that helps. Plus I'll have to waste the film that's in there, sheesh!!
For today's vote it will be Ethan and Jack. This is going to get tough!!! Have fun voting and like I said nudge your partner, family and friends so we get as many votes as possible!
Monday, July 19
Meet my Husband
This was taken at a friend's wedding. Hopefully I didn't stretch my dress out too much!! yes, this is one of my "skinny" dresses that I squeezed into! James is next to the bride (my husband), see his belly it's close to the size of mine (heehee). This was taken at Hidden Lakes Gardens in Onsted, May 29th!
Carter wins over Isiah.
It's been a busy week-end. Yesterday we had the baby shower after church, and we received some great gifts, I was really touched by the community's kindness. We got pj's, diapers, wipes, diaper bag, blankets, baby shampoo, spoons, sheets, washcloths and on and on....and yes the baby finally received a Spartan outfit!! (Michigan State University)
The other couple who they celebrated for also received gifts, but they don't know what they are having yet. Plus they are brave enough to deliver at home!! She's due in Sept.
On Saturday, James entertained his nephew, JW, while Debbie and I went to some garage sales in Morenci. Over 100 homes were having sales, I don't have a clue how many we hit, but boy were my feet and back sore!! Plus I didn't have much luck, I always go with certain things in mind to buy that way I don't over buy.
Debbie had luck with finding dresses for church and work, so it was fun! We got there about 9am and finally headed home at 3:30 and I'm sure we missed alot of them. James was bummed when I told him they had Ping golf set for 150.00 still in the box, and then Brian was like nooooo, when I seen a brand new smoker for only 40.00!! They will just have to come next year is how I see it!
Mandy comes home tonight!! She won't get into Metro until 10pm so I won't see her until tomorrow but I can't wait. She's found some time to call me to let me know what she's been doing and to place her vote. It sounds like she had a good time and now that she'll be back it will be countdown time to school since that starts on Aug. 23rd already!! Where does the summer go?
Well onto the voting, we are going to enter the quarter-finals for the next two days, I won't have time to post on Wednesday due to my test. (i'll leave the house at 7:30am). Then Thrusday and Friday will be the semi-finals and the finals will be either Monday or Tuesday of next week. I'm using some of the name suggestions but not all of them because it would be way to many!
Everyone nudge their partners and friends to vote since we are in the finals!!
Today's vote is between Ethan and Carter. And remember the middle names are for our dad's ( Lewis-Guillaume). Have a great day!!
Friday, July 16
Carter wins over Chase 6 votes to 5! Close...
I know I feel this way because Mandy is gone, I wish I hadn't agreed to the extra time. But then again it has given me the quiet time I needed to study. Plus Nick has been too busy to stop by....dang kids anyways!!
I hit a few garage sales yesterday morning, then came home and washed the truck inside and out! James owes me big. I also swept out my car but didn't feel like washing it. Thank goodness it wasn't hot and the breeze was fantastic! My only great bargin was a Winnie-the-Pooh with the price tag still on it for 30.00! that I got for 75 cents!
I finally sat down in the sun to study for a couple of hours, which was not enough but I'm starting to feel a little confidence creep into my body about this NCLEX test I have next week.
I know this is short, but I didn't do much in the line of excitement so...I don't have much to write about. I could write about the aches and pains that I'm feeling but that is boring, I could write about my conversation with James but that would only take a minute, so instead lets just get on to the voting. Today's is between CARTER & ISAIAH.
Thursday, July 15
Carter wins over Jackson 10 votes to 0!
Bon made it to my doctor's appointment yesterday and yes I gained 2 pounds! (d...it)Of course Bon is waiting for me in the room but comes running out to see the scale, that was pretty funny because the nurse quickly put it at zero before Bon got there! But she remembered what it was from last week so she added 2 in her head (if you can believe that)and all I'm going to say is it's getting ugly!
But at this point the nurse said it could be just water retention and not to worry about it. Well let me tell you about water retention, ladies plan your pregnancy so you don't have a summer baby. I never retained water with my other kids, so this is new for me and let me tell ya, I DON'T like it, I look at my thighs and I have some pretty ugly thoughts running through my mind, and it's funny how you always end up blaming the husband, but it is his fault, I swear it is!!
I also got my "walking papers" from the doctor, which is information the nurses will need in Labor and Delivery, so I'm that much closer to the day! The appointment was scheduled for 4pm and needless to say I was out of there finally by 5! and next week is no better because I have a 4:45pm time slot. Dr. Vendola is very busy right now, with 50 babies due to be delivered in July! Must of been cold in the fall of 2003!!
As for the pictures not posting, I don't know what to tell you. They're showing up on my posts, so I don't get it and I'm still waiting to hear from my son's (at least one of them please!!) as to why. But I'll try again later today to post another one, I hate to continue to waste space if they are not going to work.
We'll vote for a couple more days and then move on to the finals. I'm not use to not having a name picked out by now, so I'm getting nervous. For today's vote it is between Carter and Chase. And remember to give me your ideas as to what names should come back to the finals, we have for sure Ethan and Dylan. Have a great day everyone!!
Wednesday, July 14
These are my 3 kids, Mandy who is 12 going on 20! Nick who is 18 (graduated with honors) and Mike who is 22 and lives in California. Some of you may know him from his Cali-blog site! Yes, they are my pride and joy!
Carter wins over Jason 12 votes to 1!
I'm sorry that my pictures are not showing up on everyone's computers. I have no idea what would cause that, but I will try again and I'll re-publish the others to see if that works.
I did nothing but study yesterday, oh but Bon did call and I believe we talked for 2 hours!! When I looked at the clock I thought no way but...she did call at a good time I was really starting to nod off from studying, so by the time we were done talking I was refreshed and went back to studying for another couple of hours.
I also cleaned the laundry/storage room. It's amazing how you clean out one room but the mess from that room ends up a mess in another room! But I got things put up on the shelves, so that was huge. James has one heck of mess going on in there, but I'll leave that for him to take care of this week-end (I'll wash your truck if you finish your project). I also got a new closet rod hung last night (thank-you) so clothes are hung back up. Now to wash sheets and get them on the beds, it never ends!
I have my 37th week check-up today at 4pm, so I'll let you know how that goes, PLEASE let there be some dilation!! :)
I'm writing down the name suggestions that some of you want brought back, so far they are the names I wanted to see in the finals! For today's vote we will go with Carter and Jackson.
Tuesday, July 13
Here's a picture of us at a friends wedding. Hopefully I didn't stretch my dress out too much, yes this is one of my "skinny" dresses that I squeezed into!! James is next to the bride (my husband), see his belly is almost the same as mine (heehee) This was taken at Hidden Lakes Garden in Onsted, May 29th, I believe.
Jason wins over Samuel 8 votes to 3.
I did NOTHING yesterday. I attempted but then I happened to get online the same time as Mike so I spent 2 hours talking with him and trying to figure how to scan a picture to my site, two attempts later we succeeded! But my poor legs! Keeping them in the down position is not a good thing right now and towards the end of our conversation I realized I was starting to swell but luckily I walked around the house for awhile and all was well! Oh course I studied for several hours also, but that's just boring to talk about.
The fitness center today was quiet, for a change, it's been busy over there with high school football right around the corner. We have a new coach at the high school level, someone who actually played for MSU, but right now his name has slipped my mind, sorry!
So basically the room is full of 7th graders on up to high schoolers, NOISY, NOISY, NOISY! But it really feels good to be able to work out, stretch muscles that have not been stretched in awhile and yes I'm taking it easy!!
Well on to the voting. Jason against Carter. Did I do a little bit better with getting a "different name"? You guys are getting hard to please :)
I will probably start the finals sometime next week, on American Idol the judges each choose someone to come back who was voted off, we will probably do that also (not sure yet) since right now all we have in the finals is Ethan and Dylan. Let me know what you think about this idea.
Have a great day!
Monday, July 12
Practice run of downloading pictures, I'm learning this as I go, I have Mike (my son in California) on MSN walking me through this and since I don't have a digital camera I'm scanning. This has been interesting and I think we have been at it for over a hour now. But this is a picture of my one son Nick at his State Finals Track meet on June 5th and of course me, see my belly? I'm 31 weeks pregnant here!! I'll post other pictures, if I remember after all the headache Mike and I just went through!
Samuel wins over Tristan 7 votes to 5.
Okay, it's already hot and humid outside! and the inside of my house is no better. I've got the air going but...
We had a nice week-end, went way too fast though. We went to the lake-side garage sales at Wamplers Lake, then home for a few hours before going out to the movies (Spiderman) which I enjoyed but James liked the first one better. Then to dinner at Brandywine (now Knights Steak House) which was only so-so for the steaks, plus there was a table of 4 that was so loud, James and I couldn't even hear each other. Thank goodness they left after about 15 min. But then we went home and James was asleep by 9:30 on the couch!! Not what it use to be, that's for sure, so no he didn't come up with anything clever to do on our date, and no I didn't get flowers or a card... oh well, at least I didn't have to do the dishes!
At church on Sunday, Thelma had a back seat full of goodies that she had picked up from garage sales, she was so tickled giving us her finds that it put a smile on my face for the rest of the day. The coolest thing was the back pack carrier for the baby, which she thought James would love, and he did.
Well I need to get to my studying but first I have to put the desk back together, James moved all my papers and stuff that I was studying around, grrrr!! So now I'm going to move his stuff in order to put my stuff back, so there!
Today's vote will be for either Samuel or Jason. You guys are getting difficult to please with the names choices!! But basically we are just running out of names!
Have a great day! even though it's a Monday.
Saturday, July 10
Tristan barely wins over Ben, 6 votes to 5.
Hey everyone, sorry I'm late on posting, but I wanted to hit the lake-wide garage sales this morning before it got too hot. I didn't find any great bargains so I came home empty-handed!
Yesterday was a pretty uneventful day, I went to a few garage sales, then came home and studied for my NCLEX. My mother-in-law and sister-in-law stopped by for a few minutes, they caught me scrubbing my kitchen floor on my hands and knees, this was after 3 hours of studying. I was shocked at how dirty it was, but then again I started to do it last month when James stopped me and said he would do it, well needless to say a month later...I did it. I think it would have easier to buy a new floor!!
James and I went for a motorcyle ride just to Brooklyn and around the lakes, it was short but it was a bit much for me, so I doubt I'll get on it again until after the baby is born. He went slow, so that wasn't it, it was just sitting and being unable to stretch out the legs, so my ankles swelled a bit. Then we had a pizza and watched Cold Mountain, I enjoyed it, but I don't think James cared for it. So that was our excitement for the night.
I think since I'm posting so late in the day, that I'll leave this vote up until Monday morning before I get back on with a different name. So for the week-end it will be between Tristan and Samuel(Sam).
Hope everyone has a great week-end and I'll "talk" at ya on Monday!
P.S. Terri, we did vote on Alexander already, don't remember when though,
and Congrats on selling your house!!
Friday, July 9
Tristan wins over Beanpot, thanks to Steve's wife!
I wasn't sure what to title it this morning, I'm excited about my "date" but also found it pretty funny that Steve was reprimanded by his wife about the name Beanpot. (heehee)
But anyways, my husband is actually taking me out on a "date" this week-end. Hopefully he remembers how to be romantic, because believe me it's been a long time. Hey Steve, you tend to read this site before he gets to it, so nudge James for me and tell him not to forget the flowers and the card. That's how he always started our dates, I remember our second date was lunch that he had me pick up and he actually had flowers waiting for me there!! Yes, he had me from day one! It was so funny because the little Chinese people who ran the restaurant got such a kick out of presenting them to me. I could go on and on and on but I won't bore you, but they are great memories.
I went to a few garage sales yesterday, didn't have a lot of luck. Then I came home and studied for the rest of the day. (and no Terri, I don't have time to study for you, sorry) I started to fall asleep as it was, but dropping the highlighter on the table woke me up! :)
Oh and ladies, Steve was reprimanded by his wife about the name Beanpot. Now we don't reprimand our husbands, do we? Noooo, they just think we take all their fun away. But actually it was fun Steve, and I wasn't mad about it at all. Plus Beanpot would have gotten the final veto from me anyways and would have never made it to the finals! :)
Well on to today's voting, Tristan is still in it along with Benjamin (Ben).
Happy voting and have a great Friday!
Thursday, July 8
Beanpot wins over Caleb, what the heck is that all about?
I had my 36th week check-up yesterday, the exam showed no dilation (damn!!) but the baby has dropped a little bit more from even last week. My sister stood behind me when I got on the scale (brat) but she promised not to tell, my nurse said I didn't gain any weight from last week if that made the situation better.(not really, but thanks for trying)
I got the okay to go back to the fitness center, so needless to say I've been twice already. I figure it will be 4 weeks of warming up to where I use to be. For example my speed on the treadmill was over 4 now I can only do 2 and no way to running right now! I would do leg extension with 80-100 lbs. now today I did 30, wow this will slow going, but it feels great. I've had 3 ladies tell me I look great for being 9 months, I'm saying thanks, but thinking I'm a cow!!
Bon and I wandered around the mall and the crosssing after the doctor's appointment. I only spent 10.00 dollars honey, don't worry. I could have spent alot more, but I restrained myself, (that was extremely hard)almost like a work-out!!
Mandy called last night about 10:30 to let me know her plane had just landed, we had a bad connection (stupid cell phones) but at least I know she landed safely! So one day down and counting...
If you check out the going west blog under my favorites, you'll see some pictures of Kenya that Nick sent to Mike, and you'll see Nick's new "friend" in one of the pictures.
Steve, James and I are really wondering about all those votes for Beanpot, did everyone vote themselves or did you do all the voting? You're in Haslett today, right? James will be watching you!!!
Steve is one of the owners of the business James works for, so I don't want to step on toes!! There are more than these 2 businesses, but these are the names I know. Red Cedar Logistics out of Grand Haven and Black River Transportation out of Haslett, James enjoys working for them, it's all new to him considering he just graduated from MSU with an accounting degree.
Well on to the voting, Beanpot (grrrr) or Tristan (Brad Pitts role in Legends of the Falls)
Happy Voting!! and I'll try to get Nick to post some pictures soon of me and the belly. Also of the family so those who don't know us, can get to know us.
Wednesday, July 7
Caleb beats Jacob 6 votes to 5.
Yes, I'm now 9 months pregnant, and I feel it!! I have my doctor's appt. this afternoon so I'll let you know how that goes tomorrow. I'm hoping to get the okay to go back to the gym now that the placenta moved, not quite where it should be but at least out of the way. This is a frustrating time, clothes are getting tight but you certainly don't feel like buying more when you are down to 4 weeks or less, I find myself looking at the tiny stuff I use to wear (that doesn't help how I feel right now).
Bon's meeting me at my doctor's appt. so that will be cool for her to hear the heart beat and such. Then I'm sure we'll find something to do for the afternoon.
Mandy will be leaving for vacation with her dad this afternoon, I'm going to miss her because now I'll really be alone all day and half the night. I have my studying to do, but you can't do that 8 hours straight! Plus neither one of us were thinking when her dad called and asked for extra days. We both agreed and then it hit us Sunday while we were at church that she'll miss the baby shower that the church is putting on for me and another lady that's due in 8 weeks. We were both bummed but we knew we couldn't say anything to her dad, he'd have a fit if he had to change flight arrangements again. So darn, darn, darn. Be safe Mandy and I'll see you soon.
I was surprise that so many people said Caleb and Jacob are common names and didn't vote. Must be the age difference, because I don't see these names when it comes to Nick's friends, but then again he's 18. Mandy said there are a lot in her grade, but I know just her girlfriends and not many of the boys. Mandy didn't vote either because of that plus most of them are jerks, she claims, hmmm.
Kara was disappointed we put Dylan in the semi-finals she would have rather seen him voted out. Steve is still insisting on Beanpot, grrr. And James feels I was bashing him, but I'm not, (just think about it more, honey)an example would be the crib sheet, remember? Then you'll see it how I see it. Your friends see the fun side, and I get the grumpy, your friends see you pull your wallet out for them always, the only time I see your wallet is when you throw it on the dresser at night.(heeehee) Sure I spend without checking with him, but.... I promise no more bashing, just not feeling myself lately....
So for today's vote we have Caleb in one corner and Beanpot in the other!!! Maybe that will get James an early raise, (heehee) just joking. Everyone have a great day and it's on to my studies.
Tuesday, July 6
Dylan wins over Joseph 11 votes to 2.
Gotta hurry to Mandy's ortho appt. I overslept so we're short on time.
I spent yesterday cleaning, organizing and ironing, FUN DAY!
James kept himself entertained by going on a motorcycle ride with Mandy, treating himself to lunch (claims we didn't have money for a movie) and then golf. Week-end off to spend together, didn't see it. After his lunch he was apparently too tired to finish the guest room, so I did it. I don't think he realizes that I can't study for NCLEX if my papers are scattered all over the family room.
Well I see Bon is also recommending Spider Man, for her to recommend a movie it must be good!! Who knows if I'll get lucky enough to see it on the big screen, James likes to spend money when his friends call but other than that....
Okay, I'm out of time so on to the voting, We have retired Dylan to the Semi-Finals along with Ethan. So today's vote is between Jacob and Caleb.
Monday, July 5
Dylan wins again
Well we had a fun 4th of July at Bon and Brian's. Then off to Brooklyn to watch the fireworks.
Today we are organizing the guest room, for everyone that will be visiting in August. I'm also working on the last of the baby room, trying to get organized, putting clothes away etc. Worked up a sweat already!!
Brian really should start to leave his own comments here soon, he has alot of battle scars he needs to talk about, and Brian did you see where Tracy wants some landscaping done, but with a senior discount!!
James and Mandy are going for a motorcyle ride soon, to meet a friend of his on his bike, then we'll head over to Bon's to get my spare mattress back for the guest room.
Well my post seems kinda hum-drum today so I'm going to sign off now, James needs the phone anyways.
Today's vote is between Dylan and Joseph. Hope everyone has a great Monday.
P.S. we are running out of name suggestions, in case anyone has some neat ones to pass along feel free to do so. Also where are all my voters? My comments and votes are dwindling!!
Sunday, July 4
Dylan wins again 7 votes to 3 over Luke
We managed to get to Camp Perry, Ohio to watch the graduation ceremony. I think we caught 30 to 45 min. of it. It was nice weather, though it started to get a little warm, it was held outdoors. Then we went to the park in Port Clinton to have a barbecue and the kids played in the lake. I took a 30 min. nap on the beach!
We finally got home about 8pm, so I quickly finished my desserts for today and then we watched Secret Window with Johnny Depp (he's hot).
James is going to his church and Mandy and I are going to go here in Onsted, my desserts need to stay cold and James apparently doesn't care. But just one more way he's been avoiding me, so why not include church too. Did you notice I never mentioned his name during the ultrasound, that's because he never made it! He knew all week I had the appointment I even made the point to change the time to late in the day, but he made it to the golf course for his buddies on time, hmmmm.
Today's voting is between Dylan and Garrett. Happy 4th everyone!!
Saturday, July 3
If some of you get on the baby blog and it does'nt bring up the correct post (date wise) just scroll down to archives and click on July!! Some of my voters were having trouble yesterday.
Thanks, Deb
Dylan wins 6 votes to 5 over Zachary.
Alright!! The ultrasound showed the placenta out of the way. So no C-Section for me!! Unless something else goes wrong.
Mandy got a kick out of watching the procedure, I had warned her she might not see much because the baby is pretty cramped up in there. But we got to see it all!! (if you know what I mean) No denying this is a boy!! He's got a cute profile, so far he has my nose, we also got to see him sucking (his chin was moving) and doing kissy faces (funny). She said everything looked fantastic, which gave me some more relief. You worry when you're an "older" mom. He's really active and the sonographer wished me luck and strength to keep up with him! great...
Mandy was stunned! She asked the sonographer how young of girls had she done an ultrsound on and she answered 12 (Mandy's age) and that the other day she did one on a 14 year old who was pregnant with her 2nd child!!! Where are the parents, hellooooo....
Today we are off to watch William (james' nephew) graduate from Sea Cadet Boot Camp, down at Camp Perry, Ohio. (hmm, hope I got that right) I understand he had a great time. But what kid wouldn't, he's away from home for 2 weeks, no brothers, no mom or dad. (heehee)
Well, I'm getting hungary (breakfast) so I'm going to stop rattling on. Today's voting will be between Dylan and Lucas (Luke).
Have a great Saturday!!
P.S. to my son Nick, if you are going to Bon's tomorrow be there around 12 or 12:30 and you can bring your "friend".
Friday, July 2
Dylan wins again over Austin!!
Yes, I have been promoted to supervisor, but they forgot to pay me!!
Mandy helped her Aunt Bonnie yesterday with a weeding job, one that I would usually do in the summer between nursing classes. She said it was hard work, but the pay was great. Well...I happen to be there supervising (actually, just waiting to drive Mandy home) but they neglected to pay me for my expert advise as to what was a weed and what was a flower. Hmmm, I'm thinking I won't be going back to that job!! :)
I also spent the afternoon getting groceries and paying the bills, don't you just love the first of the month? But I did manage to get in several hours of studying before taking Mandy to the work-site. OH, and you're not going to believe who I saw, JAMES, yes the "dad" who never gets home at a decent time somehow ended up on the same street that we were on, which happens to be the same street his mom lives on which is not in the same town we live in. Apparently he needed a hug from his nephew BEFORE his wife, do you feel the love, people!! (I NEVER did get a hug)
Well today is my ultrasound, which will determine whether or not I have to have a C-section. I'll let you all know tomorrow when I post. But for now on to the voting.
Today's vote is between Dylan and Zachary. Happy voting and have a great day!!
P.S. To Brian, Dylan is a great name, stop whining!!!
Thursday, July 1
Dylan wins 6 votes to 5 votes over Logan.
I really wish I didn't have to study for this darn NCLEX exam!! It's making my days slow down, and time is dragging. I prefer just getting up and doing my own thing and studying is not one of them.
Bon and Izabel came over for a visit yesterday. Izabel is Bon's granddaughter, who is walking everywhere now. She'll be one in about 3 weeks, absolutely adorable!! We went to the work site where Brian (idiot husband) was working, he has his own landscaping business and this one job he's working on is awesome. A house on a hill where the backyard slopes to the lake, is becoming one hill of retaining walls, patio's and water features, just awesome! Then we moved on to a garage sale, and Bon found her wicker furniture for her front porch, so good thing we made the detour there because they didn't advertise the wicker.
Mandy saw the movie Spider Man 2 and highly recommends it, said it was better than the first one!!
James worked late, of course! and that was my day. Yippee!!
Todays voting is between Dylan and Austin. Happy Voting and have a great day, I'm going back to my studying!